Ten Minutes of a Death Threat, Public School Class success, Andy Iron's visits us, Elias Returns
To try to summarize these past few weeks into a short newsletter seems completely impossible, but I will try. To start I am going to thank God for my life, and for sending angels after me constantly. I will start with the bad news and talk about the million and one other great and amazing events that blend the bad out.
June 15th...11am...I had just returned from teaching art class at the La Virgin Public school with Kim, her daughter Mikayla, and our good Nicaraguan friend Ivette. I was kind of full of energy and happy from all the kids smiles whom I had just left...and yelled out to Kim..."I'm going to take off on Ezekiel for a lil' bit for a joy ride on the beach....I need to work some of his energy out since he hasn't been ridden in two weeks." (Ezekiel had a small leg injury that put him in pasture rest for two weeks). I saddled up and headed out down the dirt road towards beach break...singing and talking to Ezekiel and swatting the misquitos that labored hard to pester me. Ezekiel and I rounded the bend and started to trot on the sand down towards Popoyo...he was full of energy and was trying to break out of my grips....I had him in a hold and as we came closer to Popoyo he tried again to take control and lunge out. I pulled him into a tight circle and just then..it snapped. I felt the bit break out of his mouth and within seconds he was off. He knew he was free. He turned towards home and sprinted as fast as he could without any control. Having no connection to his mouth or face I began to carefully think...Ok..First of all I am going to take my feet out of the stirrups in case I have to jump off, and then I pulled my body up onto his neck grabbing the front of his nose at a full gallop and trying to stop him...this didn't work. He gained speed, and I realized we were probably at his max speed...and the fastest I had ever sat on a horse. I realized even if I jumped on sand the speed and the impact could lead to broken bones, or fatal consequences. I decided to see if he would stop at the giant cliffs by beach break...gaining speed towards the cliffs (2.5 miles later) He ran straight toward the river to my left (the river mouth opens up toward the beach )..I thought...holy crap he's going to throw himself into the water, which was fine by me...I could break my jump. But, No...he darted last second to the left of the water and jumped a four foot ravine...at this point the local boys who were working construction on a beach front house began to run after me seeing I was in trouble...I knew there efforts were in vain...we were probably over 30 or 35 miles an hour. I saw...the cliffs ahead..and began to panic realizing if he didn't stop, he was going to run into the forest area to the right and I was in trouble then. This was the first time, I opened my mouth and screamed as loud as I could for him to stop....HO....Ho000000000000000000....nothing. He veered to the right the last minute at the cliff and jolted into the woods...I began ducking under trees that nearly cut my head off three times...and after 1.5 miles of this....I saw the paved road from Aesterroles ahead...I screamed and began pulling Ezekiel's ears, punching him..using my legs and body to try to halt him...everything...towards the last mile I screamed in terror louder than I have ever...no one was around..only cows....I then realized, I might die...I might die. I watched my life flash before my eyes again as he lept onto the asphalt road without breaking stride...and almost came head on with a car...tears rolled down my eyes as I realized I had to jump or take the chance of Ezekiel running us both into a car. I saw a truck ahead of me with a bunch of Nicaraguan workers in the back, I yelled "HELP ME ....HELP ME" as loud as I could about 6 times when I realized I was speaking in english "Ayuda Me" I screamed in spanish and the guys looked back and one jumped out the truck to try to stop "Zeek" but he jeered to the right of the man and nearly took my head off by another tree. I saw a steep hill ahead and as he slowed down to about 25 miles an hour...I through my leg off half way up the hill and jumped....I don't really remember the fall. A guy had my body and was putting me in his truck saying...Jota Jota's...(JJ's ) I nodded and started shaking in pain. They laid my body down in the middle of the rancho as all the comotion of the workers here piled around me and asked me questions..I was just shaking and holding my head...then I saw Kim...I burst in tears...and lost control as she started crying. It's like seeing your mom, best friend, lover or whomever you totally love and realize you can loose control b/c your safe now. JJ got in action and got me to the house where we realized how lucky I was and put ice on my head which had a few knots and besides some cuts on my elbows and knees...I was ok. Only a concussion. I lay there and realized how blessed I was. Kim walked in with the bit and bridle and the news that Ezekiel had ran back here and was ok.....just scared. I wanted to comfort him so bad, even though all the Nica's wanted to kill him. Poor thing. I looked down and saw that the cooper bit had broke in two..crazy..I had never seen this occur before. ...so after all this an soreness for three days...I was back on my feet and riding horses and waves again. ha.. Ok..for some good news... Here's the scoop from the camp. We had Andy Irons, Corey Lopez, Freddy Pattachi, Mike Parsons, and a few other guys come down and stay at Popoyo Surf Lodge for a week. JJ and Kim were honored they choose to stay here and I not being to impressed that they were cool just because of their profession...at the end of the week had a different mentality. I would say that I was so stoked on their compassion and ability to take the time to give things and spend time with the Local Nica Boys/fans...I watched as a few guys looked up at their idols with smiles from ear to ear...eager to talk or be around them. It was rad. (for a lil more info and photos visit www.nicaraguaartmissions.blogspot.com).
Other good news...the classes are going amazing, Berri and Kim have been helping out and it makes a huge difference to have such a great support team down here. Also Joe Pennovich, and Joe Johnson's families came down from florida with their 8 in total kids....it was so fun to have them join us at church class and on the beach with the Nica kids. I would have to say that the best surprise of the past month has been from this past Friday. I walked out the door to my room after hearing "Senora...Senora" I turned to see a women and a small boy...I glanced fast and shut the door thinking it was someone begging for food or bringing me a hospital receipt (which happens frequently)...."Un minuto" I said. I turned to them smiled and watched as the boy's face smiled and said "Dawn..Dawn"....I stood there with my jaw open for a few seconds and finally screamed "Elias!" His mother stood there smiling and I ran and embraced them both...it had been almost a year since I had saw them. He, Elias, in case you don't remember is the one kid that really inspired my whole mission to move full time to Nicaragua. I worked with him in the dump (La Chureca, in 2006) and found a kid with some amazing natural art talent. After, working for a few weeks with him, I kept a few of his paintings and raised money for his education through selling his art work in the United States. After countless times missing each other in Managua last year...I bought a cell phone this year and was determined to get back with him. After a few emails, I was able to get someone to track him down from the dump and give him my email and cell phone information...within a month he started corresponding and we agreed he would come to Popoyo and stay for a few weeks to a month. I was getting super frustrated with the lack of transportation and un ability to go to La Chureca and Managua. The problem is...that I can't go alone, and I have been waiting for a couple people or a guy to go in with me. It would be pretty dang dangerous to go alone...so I waited..and waited. After a few phone calls to Elias, I once again lost hope when I was surfing Popoyo one day and after returning to my belongings realized my cell phone was stolen...along with my glasses...etc. Two weeks later, this was my surprise...he was here! Yipee. We spent the day together and Kim and a bunch of friends took his mother Corney and him out to dinner. The days since then have flown by. Thanks to Mike Moremen who is housing him down the street from me, he will be able to stay here and focus on some art projects and help me out here with the kids. We all went together yesterday to the public school class and with the help of Elias Noel, Kim Yemma, Mike Moremen, and some amazing Nica chica's Scarlett and Angelica we were able to teach a big 45 student class a cool under water scene art/mobile project. I will keep you updated through photos from these classes..enjoy the ones below and also visit www.nicaraguaartmissions.blogspot.com for many more.
Jewerly update with the women: Kim,Elias, and I are heading out to Masaya and Granada to pick up more supplies today for the women Julissa and Zulma who are making a living here selling their jewelry. I am so excited to see how God is opening up the doors for the arts here and for the business's that are supporting them by selling their work. Thanks So Much.
Running club update: I am down to one girl..the other girls faded out with a few that had problems b/c they had lil' ones they couldn't leave in the morning that often ( I think there husbands were getting mad...they don't really have day care here..ha) The other girl had problems with serious pains from her enlarged viens in her legs..so now it's just Jullissa and me...and we are going to put out flyers in town to try to get more women next week.
Supply need info: paints, canvas paper, crafts, kids clothes, kids books, educational teaching books for children's church (in spanish). beads...etc...etc..
I hope all is well with you and I look forward to hearing back from all my wonderful friends who I miss so so much
love ya
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