Sunday, April 6, 2008

april newsletter and update! ..Going to Nica!

Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to drop a quick monthly update to all of you. I am leaving for Nicaragua on April 17th..yep..two weeks away! Wow, time flew by. I have been working hard on painting, working at the restaurant, getting supplies for the kids in Nica, and yunno…surfing. These past few weeks have honestly flew by due to the 14 hour days I have been working at Grill’s restaurant (www.visit pulling double shifts. I do have a few good sentences of Good news though…I have made some great new friendships and have been able to be a light to a few girls from the area. One in particular, Melissa Diamond, local Cocoa beach surfer girl, has taken on the position to rep for Red Dawn Designs art work along the east coastal areas. We have opened up accounts at Juice and Java, Cocoa Beach and Ocean Sports World, Cocoa Beach. She will be helping place prints along the coast to raise money while I am away in Nicaragua. Her contact is listed below. She’s awesome and a great new friend….THANKS MISSY! I also had an art show on March 7th at “The art of Coffee” in cocoa beach where we enjoyed great fellowship and art work! I also have been going to this amazing new church called, "The Way" and they have been such an great fulfillment of God's word in my life. The teaching, worship, fellowship makes it kind of tough to go back to Nicaragua...but I know where God is got me. If anyone is in the Melbourne should for sure check out the church. I want to tell you of an amazing artist Brandon, who runs Melody of the Soul Studio, he has advertised selling 10 paintings for a one time 100 bucks (normally 450 or more) to raise money for Nica Art Missions….such a giving heart., check out his will blow your mind. I will be trying to wrap up answering emails, finishing paintings, and getting everything ready to go these next two weeks. Contact me if you can after 7pm via phone or email whenever.

Look forward to getting back and trusting God with leading the way to shining his light this next year in Nicaragua.
I am still praying for the remainder 1,000.00 to complete this thanks to all your prayers I know the art will sell and God always…always provides!

Any stateside mail or donations can be recieved at my Grandparents house:

Dawn Gray
1117 Milissa Court
Va Beach Va 24364

A special thank you to:

Kim and JJ Yemma
Sue and Ross Cruden
Min and Topps Hair Salon/Rockledge FL
Joe Pennovich..thanks for the job at Grill’s
Julie and Joe Johnson..thanks for all you do
Kyle at Juice and Java
Ocean Grove Surf Shop/Rob Stumley
Wendy Messenger
Morgan Mcdole
Daniel Caldwell..thank you for the art books
Tom Dugan
And a big thanks to Brandon

Mellissa Diamond's contact info 813-601-9672 she is the new Red Dawn Designs Rep for FL

Pictures below...Dawn at 16th street... Cocoa Beach FL and Melissa and Dawn and new board art yippeeee...take care

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